Billing Book -Advanced POS, Inventory, Accounting, Warehouse, Multi Users, GST Ready

Billing Book

Billing Book is a web-based application created using PHP and jQuery that provides tools for effectively managing various aspects of your business, particularly in the realm of invoicing and billing.

The application’s key features include:

  1. Invoicing Management: Billing Book helps you generate and manage invoices for your clients. This includes creating invoices, itemizing products or services, specifying quantities and prices, and calculating totals.
  2. Customer and Supplier Management: The application allows you to maintain a database of your customers and suppliers. This information can include contact details, purchase history, and any other relevant information.
  3. Stock and Inventory Management: Billing Book enables you to keep track of your stock and inventory. This can involve managing product quantities, monitoring stock levels, and receiving alerts when stocks are running low.
  4. Easy Point of Sale (POS) System: The inclusion of a POS system makes the billing process faster and more efficient, particularly in physical retail settings. This system is designed to facilitate quick and seamless transactions.
  5. Responsive Web Template: The application utilizes a responsive web template, which means it is designed to adapt and provide a user-friendly experience on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  6. Complete Source Code: Billing Book provides access to its complete source code, which allows developers to customize and modify the application to suit specific business needs or preferences.
  7. Installation Flexibility: The application can be installed either on a local computer or on an online server. The installation process is designed to be straightforward, ensuring that users can set up and deploy the application without extensive technical knowledge.


  • First download this script and upload this zip script to your web server.
  • Unzip the script folder in your hosting server.
  • Then set your server PHP version 7.4 only
  • Then set your MySQL version 5.6 or greater
  • Create a database manually using cPanel/phpMyAdmin.
  • After that run the install script path from any web browser
  • Then fill up all input fields and continue to install the script. That’s it.


  • Multi Warehouses
  • Multi Users
  • Accounting
  • Quotation
  • Customer Advance Payments Management
  • Sales & Purchase Invoice & Payments Management
  • Sales & Purchase Return Invoice & Payments Management
  • Customers & Suppliers Management & Import [CSV] feature
  • Customers & Suppliers Payments (Bulk Pay/Receive) Management
  • Items & Service Management & Import [CSV] feature
  • Items Brand & Category Master
  • Print Barcode/Labels
  • Stock Adjustment/Entry
  • Stock Transfer between warehouse (in same Store)
  • Expense Management
  • Convert Quotation to Invoice
  • Users & Users Role Management & able to assign warehouse to user
  • Tax & Tax grouping
  • Units Management
  • Item Variant Management
  • Payment Types Master
  • Places Management [Country & State]
  • SMS API : Twilio API, URL/HTTP based SMS API, SMS Templates
  • Currency Master
  • Database Backup facility [Admin]
  • Reports:
    • Sales Tax Report
    • Purchase Tax Report
    • Supplier Items Report
    • Sales Report
    • Sales Return Report
    • Seller Points Report
    • Purchase Report
    • Purchase Return Report
    • Expense Report
    • Profit & Loss Report, Item wise & invoice wise profit Report
    • Stock Report
    • Item Sales Report
    • Purchase Payments Report
    • Sales Payments Report

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