Hit the Dart Board, don’t hit the Man, the speed increase though the levels.
This is a complete Unity game a realistic aiming method and comes with 2D graphics., Unity 2021.3.27f1, Multiple levels to play. Live Preview
– banner ad always shows up.
– interstitial ad after loss
. The game is ready for release, and it’s excellent for learning purposes.
. The game developed with Unity 2021.3.27f1
Features :
. Admob Ads Integration (Banner and Interstitial, rewarded video).
. easy way to add/customize levels.
. Cool UI Effects.
. Full documentation.
. Compatible with mobile and desktop.
. Addictive one-touch gameplay
. Smooth control, eye-catching graphics
Benefits :
* You can easily export for Android & ios easily via Unity.
* Ready To Publish.