Cuppies – Coffee & Bakery Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel

Cuppies - Coffee & Bakery Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel - 1

Admin Panel:

Cuppies - Coffee & Bakery Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel - 2

email: password: password

Available on Google Play:

Cuppies - Coffee & Bakery Store | EXPO 49.0.15 | TypeScript | Redux Store | Orchid Admin Panel - 3


– Built with EXPO 49.0.15.
– Orchid – Laravel Admin Panel
– Only Functional Components & React Hooks.
– All icons in SVG format.
– Design file in figma format included
– For Android & IOS
– Well structured components
– Detailed Video Tutorials included.
– Free google fonts DM_Sans and Inter
– You can add to cart product and delete from cart
– You can make product favorite
– Ready for the Backend
– All files in .tsx format
– Used Preloader for images
– Used Redux and Redux Persist. If you close the application, your added products to the cart or wishlist will not be deleted.

Why Orchid ?

– Scalability: Orchid is highly scalable, adapting effortlessly to project growth and evolving needs without compromising performance.

– Customization: It offers extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor the admin panel to their specific requirements and design preferences.

– Robust Functionality: Orchid is rich in features, providing a wide array of tools and functionalities to streamline administrative tasks and enhance user experience.

– Security: It prioritizes security measures, ensuring data protection and offering built-in features to fortify the application against potential threats.

– Intuitive Interface: Orchid boasts an intuitive user interface, simplifying navigation and making it user-friendly for administrators of varying technical backgrounds.


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