Extra payment gateways for Botble eCommerce

Extra payment gateways for Botble eCommerce

It’s great to know that you’re offering extra payment gateways as plugins for the Botble eCommerce script. This can significantly enhance the payment options for users of the eCommerce platform. Here are some key points to highlight about these extra payment gateways:

  1. Diverse Payment Options: Providing a variety of payment gateways expands the choices available to customers, making it more likely that they will find a method that suits their preferences.
  2. Combo Payment Gateway: Offering multiple payment gateways in a single package is convenient for users and developers. Users can choose their preferred payment method, and developers can integrate several gateways without the need for separate installations.
  3. Compatibility with Latest Version: Ensuring compatibility with the latest version of the eCommerce script is important to provide users with up-to-date features, security enhancements, and bug fixes.
  4. Ease of Installation: The easy installation process you’ve described simplifies the integration of these payment gateways into the eCommerce platform, making it accessible to a broader range of users.
  5. Source Code Availability: Including unminified source code gives developers the flexibility to customize and adapt the payment gateways to their specific needs. This is particularly useful for those who require fine-tuned modifications.
  6. Dedicated Support Center: Offering a dedicated support center is valuable for users and developers who may have questions or issues while integrating or using the payment gateways. Having a documentation and ticket system, along with prompt response times, is a strong support offering.
  7. Plugin Activation: The process of activating the plugins through the admin interface is user-friendly and aligns well with the ease of installation you’ve mentioned.
  8. Customizability: Mentioning that the source code is included and can be customized is important for developers who might want to tailor the payment gateways to their specific business requirements.

It’s evident that you’ve taken into consideration user convenience, developer flexibility, and customer support. Offering a diverse range of payment gateways can help attract more customers to your eCommerce platform and enhance their overall experience. Keep up the good work in providing valuable solutions to eCommerce businesses.

Supported payment gateways

  • Coinbase
  • Bux
  • Iyzico
  • Yoomoney
  • Payfast
  • Xendit
  • Thawani
  • Flutterwave
  • PayU
  • Instamojo

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