EzziCarWashManagement – Ezzi Car Wash Management System

What is EzziCarWashManagement ?


EzziCarWash is a modern car wash management system designed to streamline operations and enhance customer satisfaction. With features for appointment scheduling, client management, complaints resolution, and employee tracking, EzziCarWash simplifies daily tasks and boosts efficiency. It also includes expense management, advanced reporting, and stock tracking functionalities to help businesses stay organized and profitable.

EzziCarWashManagement using third party component that is DevExpress version 23.1 to build the product. Fortunately, we have distribute the product and the source code with DevExpress 23.1 library by following DevExpress EULA. We purchase and have valid DevExpress 23.1 license. So you do not need to purchase and have DevExpress license to use EzziCarWashManagement application and Source code. Unfortunately, if you did not have the license, you will not be able working with DevExpress control visually through Visual Studio designer. But, accessing the DevExpress library through back end C# code is still granted.

Below is a brief description of each technologies and languages used :

DevExpress: A comprehensive collection of software development tools provided by Developer Express Inc. that includes UI controls, reporting tools, IDE productivity tools, and frameworks for .NET, enhancing application development with rich user interfaces and high-performance capabilities.

JavaScript (js): A dynamic programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers, enhancing user experiences and providing client-side scripting capabilities. Demo

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