FoodHat – Restaurant Menu & Food Ordering System


$ 44 USD

It’s great to hear about FoodHat, a food ordering system designed to provide a seamless experience for users and restaurant owners. Using the Laravel PHP framework is a good choice, as it’s known for its robust features and security measures.

Here are a few points to consider based on the information you’ve provided:

  1. User Experience (UX): Focusing on delivering a great user experience is essential, especially for an eCommerce solution like FoodHat. A user-friendly interface, intuitive navigation, and clear ordering process will contribute to customer satisfaction.
  2. Account Creation and Management: Allowing users to create accounts simplifies the ordering process and helps in building customer loyalty. Ensure that the account creation process is straightforward and that users can easily manage their profiles.
  3. Ordering Process: A smooth and hassle-free ordering process is crucial. Users should be able to browse the menu, add items to their cart, customize orders (if possible), and review their selections before confirming the order.
  4. Order Tracking: Providing real-time order tracking enhances transparency and keeps customers informed about the status of their orders. This feature can reduce customer anxiety and increase satisfaction.
  5. One-Click Payment: Streamlining the payment process to a single click enhances convenience for users. Ensure that the payment gateway is secure and supports various payment methods.
  6. Security Measures: It’s great that strong security measures have been taken into consideration. However, security is an ongoing process. Regularly update your application, monitor for vulnerabilities, and keep up with the latest security best practices.
  7. Testing: Rigorous testing is essential to ensure the system functions as expected. This includes functional testing, usability testing, and security testing.
  8. Scalability: As FoodHat gains popularity, it’s important to design the system with scalability in mind. The framework you’re using can help with this, but it’s also about optimizing database queries, caching, and other performance considerations.
  9. Customer Support: Having a support system in place for any technical issues or inquiries from users is vital for maintaining customer satisfaction.
  10. Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop with users and restaurant owners. This can help you identify areas for improvement and implement new features based on actual needs and suggestions.

Overall, FoodHat seems to be on the right track with its focus on user experience and security. As with any software project, continuous improvement and staying up-to-date with industry trends will be important for its long-term success.


  • Laravel 9 is used as PHP framework
  • Bootstrap 5 is used in design
  • User friendly codes and easy to navigate
  • Eye-catching and fully responsive design
  • Strong security of codes
  • Product Management
  • Variant wise price management
  • Product Add-on system available
  • Advance order management
  • Delivery charge setup option
  • Discount and coupon option
  • Advertisement banner management
  • Reservation system
  • Blog management
  • Blog social media share option
  • Google analytics
  • Facebook pixel
  • Google reCaptcha
  • Maintainance module
  • Tawk live chat
  • ERROR page(400) customize
  • Email template setting
  • SEO setting
  • 10+ payment gateways
  • Database clear option


  • 100% secure admin panel
  • Order Management
  • Product Management
  • Variant wise price setup
  • Product Add-on option
  • Product category management
  • Product review management
  • Restaurant management
  • Reservation management
  • Discount and coupon management
  • Delivery area and charge setup
  • Payment method management
  • Adverisement banner management
  • Customer management
  • Admin management
  • SEO Settings
  • Home page management
  • About page management
  • Contact page management
  • Terms and condition page management
  • Privacy policy page management
  • Unlimited custom page management
  • FAQ page management
  • Chef page management
  • Testimonial page management
  • Error page management
  • Maintainace mode management
  • SMTP server mail
  • Email configuration and template setting
  • General setting management
  • Cookie consent option
  • Google Recaptcha option
  • Google analytic option
  • Tawk live chat option
  • Facebook pixel option
  • Dynamic Pagination option
  • Multi admin creation possible
  • Banner images change option
  • Clear database option to start the website as fresh installation
  • Language change option for front end and back end
  • Profile information, photo, password change option
  • Blog Category create, edit and delete option
  • Blog create, edit and delete option
  • Manage Blog Comments
  • Contact message management
  • And more…

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