LiveSmart All-in One Bundle

This bundle includes all LiveSmart products:

LiveSmart Video products are advanced standalone web applications with video, audio, recording, screen sharing and file transfer face-to-face communication channels and integrated chat and are perfect for:

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Supported browsers and OS

LiveSmart products are supported on all major browsers:
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– Desktop PC. Microsoft Edge 12+, Google Chrome 28+, Mozilla Firefox 22+, Safari 11+, Opera 18+, Vivaldi 1.9+, IE 11 (Needs installation of Temasys plugin. You will be guided through the installation process)
– Android. Google Chrome 28+ (enabled by default since 29), Mozilla Firefox 24+, Opera Mobile 12+
– Chrome OS.
– Firefox OS.
– Mobile Safari at least iOS 11 and Mac Safari.


– HTTPS (SSL certificate) and root access needed (usually shared hosting do not offer this service, so you need VPS or dedicated server);
– For server side scripts: at least Node 16.x;
– You need port 9002 to be opened. You can change the port from your configuration file;
– Some basic skills of system administration.

Possible Usages

– Set an online/offline contact button on your site and track and contact your visitors;
– Set a private room and share it with your contacts in order to establish a direct video call with screen sharing, file transfer, whiteboard collaborative tool and recording;
– Switch between front and back camera of your mobile to make an outstanding demo for your customers;
– Use only chat for support and fun;

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