Modern POS – Point of Sale with Stock Management System

Modern POS

It seems like you’re discussing modern Point of Sale (POS) systems and the technologies they use. Indeed, modern POS systems have evolved to incorporate a range of technologies to enhance their capabilities and provide better management of stock and sales in retail environments.

Let’s break down the technologies you mentioned:

  1. Core PHP: PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular server-side scripting language commonly used for web development. In the context of a POS system, PHP could be used to handle server-side processing, database interactions, and dynamic content generation. It’s used to manage the back-end functionality of the POS system.
  2. jQuery: jQuery is a fast and lightweight JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML document traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling. It’s often used to add interactive and dynamic elements to web applications, including POS systems. For example, it can be used to create smooth animations, handle user interactions, and update the user interface without having to reload the entire page.
  3. AngularJS: AngularJS (commonly referred to as Angular 1) is a JavaScript framework developed by Google for building dynamic web applications. It provides tools and structures for creating single-page applications (SPAs), where content is loaded dynamically without requiring full page reloads. However, it’s worth noting that AngularJS is an older technology, and its successor is Angular (without the “JS” in the name), which is a complete rewrite of the framework and offers more advanced features.
  4. Other Modern Technologies: In addition to the technologies you mentioned, modern POS systems may incorporate various other technologies such as:
    • RESTful APIs: These allow seamless communication between different software components, enabling the POS system to interact with other systems, like inventory management or e-commerce platforms.
    • Database Systems: To store and manage product information, sales data, customer details, and other relevant information.
    • Responsive Design: Ensuring that the POS interface works well on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
    • Security Measures: Encryption, secure authentication, and authorization mechanisms to protect sensitive customer and business data.
    • Barcode and QR Code Scanning: Integrating with barcode scanners and cameras to quickly input product information.
    • Payment Gateways: Enabling various payment methods, such as credit/debit card payments, mobile wallets, and more.

Modern POS systems aim to streamline the sales process, improve customer experiences, and provide valuable insights into business operations through features like real-time inventory tracking, sales analytics, customer relationship management, and more. The specific technologies used may vary depending on the POS system’s architecture and the needs of the business it serves.

Main Features

  1. Easy POS Interface
  2. Customization receipt template
  3. Installment (EMI) Sales
  4. Multiple Stores Feature
  5. Multilingual Feature
  6. Complete Accounting Solution
  7. Barcode Scanner Supported
  8. POS Printer Supported
  9. Generate Quotation
  10. Put order in Hold
  11. Add New Customer from POS Window
  12. Due Management System
  13. Discount System
  14. Indian GST
  15. Gift Card Feature
  16. Tax Option
  17. Sale Return
  18. Purchase Return
  19. Customer Profile with Lifetime Invoice History
  20. Supplier Profile with Lifetime Invoice History
  21. Import Products with .xls Sheet (one click)
  22. Invoice Printing & Email Transcript
  23. Sell Report
  24. Purchase Report
  25. Payment Report
  26. Due Report
  27. Overview Report
  28. Summary Report
  29. All Report can be Printed
  30. All Report Send Through E-mail
  31. All Report can be Downloaded as PDF
  32. Profit Report
  33. SMS Module
  34. Unlimited SMS Gateway Integration
  35. Profit Report
    • Daily Basis
    • Monthly Basis
    • Yearly Basis
    • Customized Report (i.e. January-2017 to Jun-2018)
  36. Sales Report
    • Day Basis
    • Monthly Basis
    • Yearly Basis
    • Overview Report
    • Payment Report
    • Customized Report
  37. Analysis
    • Weekly Analysis
    • Monthly Analysis
    • Top Customer with Details
  38. User Role Management
    • Admin
    • Cashier
    • Salesman
    • You can Add Unlimited User Roles
  39. Unlimited Payment Method
  40. Keyboard Shortcut in POS window
  41. Unlimited Currency Support
  42. Lock Screen Feature
  43. Offline to Online Synchronization
  44. Fully Responsive Layout
  45. Automation with Schedule Tasks/Cronjob
  46. Data Reset Feature

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