Riverr – Freelance Services & Projects Platform


As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I do not have specific information about a platform called “Riverr” in the context of freelance services and projects. It’s possible that this platform was created or became known after that date, or it may not be widely recognized.

If “Riverr” is a new platform or a niche service, I recommend visiting its official website or conducting online searches for the most up-to-date information. You can also read reviews and user feedback to learn more about its features, services, and reputation.

When considering a freelance services and projects platform, here are some general factors to keep in mind:

  1. Available Services: Determine the types of freelance services that are offered on the platform. Some platforms focus on specific industries or skills, while others offer a wide range of services.
  2. User Interface: Assess the platform’s user interface and how easy it is to navigate, post projects, and communicate with freelancers or clients.
  3. Quality of Freelancers: Look for platforms that attract high-quality freelancers or service providers with relevant skills and experience.
  4. Payment and Fees: Understand the platform’s fee structure, including any fees for project listings and payment processing. It’s important to know how much you’ll be charged for using the platform.
  5. Security and Trust: Consider the platform’s measures for verifying and ensuring the trustworthiness of freelancers and clients. This includes user reviews and ratings.
  6. Support and Dispute Resolution: Evaluate the platform’s customer support and how they handle disputes between clients and freelancers.
  7. Terms of Service: Carefully review the platform’s terms of service to understand your rights and responsibilities as a user.
  8. Community and Networking: Some platforms offer community features that allow users to network, share knowledge, and collaborate beyond individual projects.
  9. Feedback and Reviews: Read reviews and feedback from other users to gauge their experiences with the platform.
  10. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the platform complies with relevant legal and regulatory requirements in your region.


  • Dashboard analytics
  • Manage users
  • Users levels
  • Manage withdrawals
  • Manage portfolios
  • Manage gigs
  • Manage orders
  • Manage refunds
  • Manage reviews
  • Categories
  • Subcategories
  • Manage reported users
  • Manage reported gigs
  • Manage conversations
  • Manage advertisements
  • Support messages
  • Newsletter system
  • Export newsletter list
  • Unlimited languages
  • Manage pages
  • Manage countries
  • PayPal Service
  • Stripe Service
  • reCaptcha
  • System logs manage
  • General settings
  • Currency settings
  • Authentication settings
  • Commission settings
  • Footer settings
  • Payment gateways settings
  • Media settings
  • Publish settings
  • Security settings
  • SEO settings
  • SMTP settings
  • Withdrawals settings
  • Seller dashboard
  • Responsive design
  • Clean code
  • Facebook login
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  • Linkedin login
  • Advanced search
  • Verification center
  • Notifications system
  • Emails notifications
  • Become seller
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  • Edit profile
  • Billing info
  • Manage reviews (Buyer)
  • Manage refunds (Buyer)
  • Manage orders (Buyer)
  • Verify account using email address
  • Request verification link again
  • Add to cart as guest
  • Multi gigs checkout
  • Hire sellers
  • Seller availability
  • Seller languages
  • Seller skills
  • Conversations
  • Redirect links
  • Report gigs
  • Report users
  • Seller portfolio
  • Gigs documents
  • Gigs upgrades
  • Gigs FAQ
  • Contact page
  • PayPal checkout
  • Stripe checkout
  • Balance checkout
  • Gig analytics
  • Refunds system
  • Reviews system
  • SEO Ready
  • Sitemap
  • Multiple languages
  • Subscribe to newsletter
  • Seller earnings
  • Balance pending clearence
  • And many more..

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