Zaialumni – Alumni Association SAAS With Multi-Tenancy Addon

Introduction It streamlines networking, event planning, and communication among alumni. With its user-friendly interface, Zaialumni offers a comprehensive suite of tools for organizing events, facilitating mentorship, and fostering strong alumni communities, enhancing engagement and connectivity in educational institutions. Certainly! It seems that Zaialumni SAAS With Multi-Tenancy also incorporates a Multi-Tenancy feature. Multi-Tenancy in a SaaS…

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DOKANS – Multitenancy Based Ecommerce Platform (SAAS)

Dokans is a multitenancy-based eCommerce platform similar to Shopify business modules customers can create e-commerce within 5 minutes. This script support subdomain and custom domain for e-commerce. Anyone can build any kind of e-commerce site using this script. Customers can sell physical products and digital products and change the UI theme easily. We integrated 4…

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