The Fox – Modern Magazine WordPress Theme

The Fox

“The Fox” is presented as a high-speed WordPress theme designed for magazine, blog, or newspaper websites.

Here are the key features and highlights mentioned in the description:

  1. Speed and Performance: “The Fox” is advertised as the fastest WordPress theme, which is crucial for providing a good user experience and improving search engine rankings. Fast loading times contribute to a better website performance.
  2. Clean and Minimal Design: The theme boasts a clean and minimalistic design, which is often associated with simplicity, elegance, and ease of navigation. This design approach can provide a pleasant reading experience for visitors.
  3. Suitable for All Skill Levels: “The Fox” is designed to be user-friendly and suitable for both WordPress beginners and professionals. This suggests that it offers ease of use and customization options that can cater to a broad user base.
  4. Lightweight: Being lightweight means the theme is optimized for performance and doesn’t include unnecessary code or features that can slow down the website.
  5. Zero Coding Required: The theme is described as requiring zero coding, indicating that users can customize and build their websites without needing advanced coding skills.
  6. Pixel-Perfect Designs: Each design included with “The Fox” is described as pixel-perfect, ensuring a high level of visual quality and attention to detail.
  7. eCommerce Integration: The theme is compatible with WooCommerce, a popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress. This means you can easily set up an online shop and sell products on your website.
  8. Live Theme Options Panel: “The Fox” includes a live theme options panel, which allows users to customize various aspects of their websites in real-time. This feature streamlines the customization process.
  9. Built-in Page Builder: The theme comes with a built-in Page Builder that is described as super intuitive. Page builders typically offer drag-and-drop functionality, making it easier for users to create custom layouts and pages without coding.

In summary, “The Fox” is a WordPress theme that prioritizes speed, clean design, ease of use, and customization options. It’s suitable for a range of website types, including magazines, blogs, newspapers, and online shops. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced WordPress user, this theme aims to provide a user-friendly and high-performance platform for your website.

The Fox Intro
High Performance Newspaper Theme
Page Builder News Theme
Header Builder
The Fox Newspaper Options
The Fox WooCommerce Shop
The Fox Mobile Friendly WordPress Theme
The Fox Dark Mode WordPress Magazine
Footer Builder
The Fox Single Post Layouts
Unlimited Sidebars
Live Post
View Count
Reading Progress
Sponsored Post
Hand Drawn
WPML Newspaper WordPress Theme

The Fox Magazine WordPress Theme is available to purchase and download

The Fox is super easy to use. If you have zero coding knowledge, The Fox is for you. With one-click installtion, you can choose among 30+ dedicated demos and make your site 100% same as demo within minutes. Plus, 1,500+ options are designed so that you can adjust every little thing in your site or change the font face, color of every element. That makes The Fox not only easy to use but also very powerful theme. It has been built since 2015 and updated constantly to add more and more features, verified by 4,000+ customers.


The Fox is compatible with WordPress 6.3, Gutenberg editor, widget editor and we’ll always assure theme compatibility with future WordPress versions. We also support Classic Editor for those who don’t like the Gutenberg editor.


All prebuilt demos are included in the download package and will appear in your backend after installing the theme. Choose any demo, click “Import” then wait for few minutes then your site will turn into 100% same as demo. If your site has content, you can choose to import theme demo style only to avoid redundant content. Uninstall demo is also easy by one click. You can switch one demo to another easily.


The Fox is a WooCommerce WordPress theme, compatible with WooCommerce 7.x. You can build an online shop within. Shop + Sidebar can be set to left or right. Sample The Fox shops by WooCommerce:

  • Times Writer Shop
  • Deodar Shop
  • Classic Shop


The Fox is a Page Builder WordPress theme, It integrates a simple but yet powerful homepage builder so that you can add post blocks before or after your main blog posts. No additional plugins is required, it comes right in the Customizer panel. Not only posts, you can also display shortcode content, any widget like Newsletter Form, Google Adsense or Instagram Feed.

You can also play around with section heading, display sidebar left/right, display some banner/ad.


The Fox is a fast WordPress theme with CSS, JS compressed by default, fully support WebP image for optimization. It’s compatible with WP Rocket, W3Total Cache, Autoptimized, WP Super Cache. It scores 96% with Google Page Speed Test, 99% with GTMetrix.


The Fox is coded with standard HTML 5 & CSS3 technique. We bring semantic into your code so that search engines like Google, Bing.. can read easily and understands what your site is about, where’s the headline, where’s the main image etc. Text logo is default unless you want to use image. All headings H1, H2, H3.. are well orgazined as well as CSS, JS files are minified by default to improve site speed. All Google Fonts are combined into single-call to load, and only necessary font weights are loaded.


The Fox supports Dark Mode (Night Mode) and you can be more sustainable & save a little energy by turning your site into dark mode. View example >> (note that Times Dark Mode is only one example. You can apply this to all other demos)


The Fox is serious with mobile version. We offer off-canvas menu that looks like popular websites such as Facebook, NyTimes.. New Yorker, ELLE.. with two different skins: light or dark. You can also set background image for your off-canvas menu like this >>. Everything is responsive: You can choose different ad images for mobile screen, smaller font size for text, smaller padding/margin for elements.. The Fox supports custom mobile logo: You can upload mobile version of your site logo. By default, it’s text logo that’s very light-weight.


The Fox or none of our WordPress themes collect any kind of personal data, like email, name or IP addresses.


With The Fox, you can choose system fonts (Helvetica, Arial, Georgia..), any Google Fonts or upload your own font files. Each Google Font, you can choose only necessary weights to optimize loading speed (many other themes load all weights that make your site heavier and slower). If you concern third-party font service like Google Fonts, you can upload your own font files.


To enable mega menu, you just need to check to the menu item: Enable this. Very simple. The Fox supports 2, 3, 4 column mega menu item.

Loads latest posts from category: You can enable this feature for category menu item in the back end, so that when your visitors hover a category menu item, it loads latest posts in that category

The Fox supports text logo with customizations like font face, size, color.. Text logo is practically good for SEO and is a simple solution if you don’t want to design an image logo

Also, light and dark skin with background color, image are supported for footer.

Custom sidebar on homepage: You can choose to display sidebar between post sections. Put your ad, newsletter form, contact form, intro boxes or Instagram grid. Whatever you want.


The Fox supports custom post type and custom taxonomy. Instead of showing standard posts, you can choose to display Book, Movie or any custom post type


In each category/tag, you may choose to showcase most viewed posts or featured posts of that category/tag in some manner: post group 1, group 2, vertical post, post grid.. View example >>


Each category, tag has its own option set so you can display category A differently from category B. Category 1 is in grid layout, category 2 is in list layout. It’s ok.

  • Post layout: grid, masonry, list, standard..
  • Sidebar: Left, right or no sidebar
  • Top area: layout for top area or disable.
  • Category cover image.
  • Sidebar selection: It means you can display different sidebars for different categories.


Social profile URLs such as twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest.. The Fox allows you to upload author avatar and author cover image without installing additional plugins (note that other WP themes require a plugin to do that)


  • Thumbnail sizes: You can choose over landscape, square, portrait thumbnail for your blog posts or enter your custom thumbnail size that right to you, eg. 720×400.
  • Thumbnail hover effect: The Fox includes 4 thumbnail hover effects: Image fade, darken, brand logo hover or the first letter of post title. You can also choose not to use any of them
  • Automatic video thumbnail: Once Youtube or Vimeo video URL set for your video format post, Fox automatically pulls thumbnail from the video for your post.


See sample wide layout >> and boxed layout >> Content width can be set to 1020px, 1170px or any number you want. Feel free to change the sidebar width too.


  • Standard post
  • Video post: YouTube, Vimeo or any popular video service. You can also upload your own mp4 video file.
  • Audio post: Spotify, Soundcloud or any popular audio service. You can also upload your own audio file.
  • Gallery post: with 7 gallery styles
  • Link format: Your post in blog can point to an external link


Build a professional site with off canvas menu that opens by a hamburger button, like Facebook, Nytimes, Elle.. The Fox offers off canvas menu with 2 different skins: Light and Dark. You can choose an off canvas menu that differs from your main header menu.


You can choose to set each image in your post to be aligned wide (120px larger than the post content width) or fullwidth (to the edge of screen). Those options can be set for each image, each post or all posts


The Fox has a lot of ad spots you can use responsive banner ad or enter your own ad code, say Adsense. Each banner ad has option for desktop banner, tablet and mobile ad. Here’re spots you can insert your ads:

  • Before each homepage builder section
  • Main Sidebar
  • 4 Footer Columns
  • Before single post title
  • Before single post content
  • After single post content


  • About widget
  • Image box
  • Coronavirus data
  • Instagram Feed (third-party)
  • Facebook Like Box
  • Pinterest Feed
  • Responsive Ad (Banner or custom Adsense Code)
  • Post List (Latest, Most Viewed, Best Rated)
  • Author List
  • Social List
  • Mailchimp Form For WP (third-party)
  • Button
  • Copyright


The Fox supports share icons of all popular social sites. You can display share icons before, sticky along post or after the post content.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • WhatsApp
  • Reddit
  • Email

(Note that Instagram doesn’t have a share button)


The Fox is one of very rare themes that support Co-Author Plus plugin, that allows your post to have 2 or more contributors. Hence you can build a multi-author newspaper and have interesting partnership between your site authors. Here’s an example of post having multi-authors.


Let’s be creative with your own blog! The Fox includes 6 single post-layouts including HERO Big Cover Image in the header or Half Cover-Image layout. Plus, you can set narrow content width or stretch photo to the edge of screen. By that, you can convert your site into a mini-magazine by those super-impresive blog posts. Here’s the list of post layouts:

The Fox integrates a simple built-in review system that helps you to build a review blog/magazine such as book review, movie review etc. Sample review post >> or this one >>.


The Fox integrates a simple post view counter but in a separated plugin. You may choose to install it or not. It counts post views by session so it’s pretty correct. It means refreshing the post 10 times in 1 minute still counts as 1 view. In each builder section or post list widget, you have option to display most viewed posts: all time, yearly, monthly or weekly.

The Fox integrates related posts in few positions: after post content, bottom of single post or in footer sliding box. Related post source can be: same tags, same category, same author, latest posts, featured posts. Plus, you can set priority for categories to indicate which category has higher chance to be shown and which cagory will be excluded from related posts.


The reading progress indicates how much your post content has been read. You can enable/disable it, set it at top, bottom or below header with custom thickness and color.


Example of sponsored post >> You can change the sponsor label, name, image logo, image width and the sponsor URL.


The Fox is 100% compatible with Polylang so you can turn your site into a multi-languages site.


The Fox supports more than 30 essential translation words right inside the customizer panel so you don’t need to install a third-party translation plugin. Words you can translate quickly in Customizer: More, Keep Reading, Read More, Previous, Next..


The Fox gives you total font control on each single element: general body text, heading, menu, logo, post title, meta.. 1,500+ options included and well organized, building a magazine yourself has never been more fun. Here’s the full list of typography elements you can control:

  • Body font
  • Heading font
  • Navigation first level
  • Navigation dropdown
  • Logo font
  • Off-canvas mobile menu
  • Section heading font
  • Blog post title
  • Blog post meta
  • Standalone category (above post title)
  • Single post title
  • Single post subtitle
  • Single post content
  • Single label heading
  • Archive title font
  • Widget title
  • Button
  • Form input
  • Block quote
  • Drop cap (with Gothic font option)
  • Image caption
  • Copyright text


  • PHP 8: The Fox has been tested and and ready for PHP 8.0 and 8.1
  • Unlimited sidebars with the sidebar manager
  • The Fox integrates a beautiful light box.
  • Human-reading time: 3 days ago, 19 hours ago..
  • Sentence base: word or character
  • Multi-site ready
  • Cross browser compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, Edge.
  • Retina ready
  • Support for multi page articles
  • Child theme supported
  • Reading time in post meta
  • Show/Hide everything in your site.
  • Most of options are local and global: ie. there’s an option for each single post and there’s an option in Customizer that applies for all posts.
  • Latest icons supported: X, Threads, Mastodon..
  • Custom header logo URL
  • Upload default thumbnail in case there’s no thumbnail
  • Custom post blog thumbnail, ie. you can set blog image that’s different from single post thumbnail.

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