WhatsCart – Whatsapp Abandoned Cart Recovery


WhatsCart is a WooCommerce plugin that harnesses the power of the Official WhatsApp Cloud API. Its primary purpose is to enable businesses to reclaim abandoned shopping carts and dispatch order notifications through WhatsApp, promoting a seamless and secure customer experience. Moreover, it incorporates a chat box for customer inquiries and supports one-time passwords (OTPs) for heightened security measures. This versatile plugin is dedicated to enhancing customer communication and driving sales growth for WooCommerce stores.

With an array of features including order notifications, in-depth analytics, and convenient click-to-chat buttons, this WhatsApp WordPress plugin empowers businesses to engage customers in conversational commerce, ultimately boosting sales. It empowers businesses to send tailored messages that can include links to abandoned carts or product pages, along with the option to provide enticing coupon codes or discounts, encouraging customers to finalize their purchases.

Boost sales and improve customer communication with WhatsCart for WooCommerce WhatsCart - Whatsapp Abandoned Cart Recovery, Order Notifications, Chat Box, OTP for WooCommerce - 1

Send Abandoned Cart Messages

Sending clients Whatsapp messages when they abandon a cart will urge them to return and complete their transaction. This is how you may win back clients who you lost as a result of cart abandonment, grow your clientele, and eventually turn a loss into a gain. WhatsCart - Whatsapp Abandoned Cart Recovery, Order Notifications, Chat Box, OTP for WooCommerce - 3

Order Notifications

By using the order confirmation option, you can inform your clients when an order has been successful by sending them an order confirmation message. Whatsapp order confirmation messages are delivered after a successful order placement. Additionally, consumers receive updates on the status of their purchases, which keeps them involved in the ordering process and enhances the likelihood that they will remain clients.

Login with OTP  

You can give your store opt-based login by turning on this option. The user will have the choice of using their password or the OTP they will get over Whatsapp to log in. This gives your users a quick and easy login option and saves them the time of having to reset their password in the event that they have forgotten it. The more people who visit your site and engage with it, the more interaction there will be and the more revenue you’ll generate.

OTP Based Number Verification While User Registration  

With this function, you have the advantage of obtaining consumers’ Whatsapp numbers when they sign up for your website. Having a user’s number allows you to send them information and offers directly. You may even notify them if they abandon a cart. In order to target legitimate and real users when running marketing campaigns, it is also very helpful to be able to recognize valid and real users who have actually submitted the right contact details.

Easy to configure WhatsApp Chat Button / Chat Box

You can utilize a Whatsapp chat box with this plugin by adding a widget to your website. Additionally, Whatsapp Abandoned Cart Recovery provides a variety of themes for the Whatsapp chat button that you can add to your website, making it highly handy because you have options based on the layout of your website.

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