WhatsHam – Cloud based WhatsApp SASS System with Lead Generator (Updated)



Whatsham V3” certainly sounds intriguing with its promise of being a revolutionary cloud-based WhatsApp SaaS system featuring a cutting-edge data scraper.

Let’s explore the potential benefits and implications of such a system:

  1. Cloud-Based WhatsApp SaaS System: A cloud-based solution for WhatsApp can offer scalability and accessibility, making it easier for businesses and individuals to manage their WhatsApp interactions. It can provide a centralized platform for communication, which can be particularly beneficial for businesses handling a high volume of WhatsApp messages.
  2. Cutting-Edge Data Scraper: The inclusion of a cutting-edge data scraper implies the ability to extract data from WhatsApp conversations or other sources. This feature could be valuable for businesses looking to gather insights from their WhatsApp interactions, monitor customer sentiment, or extract relevant information for analysis.
  3. Unparalleled Power and Capabilities: To truly stand out, Whatsham V3 needs to deliver on its promise of unparalleled power and capabilities. This could mean advanced automation, analytics, and integration options, allowing users to harness the full potential of WhatsApp for their specific needs.
  4. Privacy and Legal Considerations: It’s important to address privacy and legal considerations when dealing with WhatsApp data. WhatsApp has stringent privacy policies, and any data scraping should comply with these policies and relevant data protection laws to avoid legal issues.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: To appeal to a wide range of users, a user-friendly and intuitive interface is crucial. The system should be easy to navigate and configure, even for users without extensive technical knowledge.
  6. Customer Support and Security: Providing excellent customer support and ensuring data security are paramount. Users should feel confident that their data is handled securely and that they can seek assistance if needed.
  7. Updates and Maintenance: Regular updates and maintenance are essential to keep the system current and secure. WhatsApp and its APIs may change over time, so the system should adapt accordingly.

In summary, the concept of Whatsham V3 appears promising, but its success will depend on the execution of its features, its compliance with privacy and legal regulations, its user-friendliness, and the value it brings to users in terms of managing WhatsApp interactions and extracting valuable insights from them. Users should carefully assess the system’s capabilities, security measures, and support before adopting it for their needs.


  • VPS or any Shared hosting with NodeJS enabled
  • MYSQL database
  • Domain or Subdomain
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User Features

  • Informational dashboard
  • Multiple instances (WhatsApp Accounts)
  • Send single message 
  • Send Poll Messages
  • Send message with media
  • Send quick reply message
  • Send Link/Call (Action) button
  • Send list message
  • Send location message
  • Send message in group
  • Get all group’s data
  • Tag all group members in message
  • Save as templets while sending message
  • Manage templets
  • Message logs
  • Multiple phonebooks
  • WhatsApp chatbot
  • Exact words match based chatbot reply
  • Similar words match based chatbot reply
  • Reactions on message
  • Enable Typing
  • Exclude people from chatbot auto reply
  • Send bulk message 
  • Multiple variables message
  • Schedule the campaign
  • Random algorithm-based delay
  • API Access (Integrate whatsham with any app)
  • Data scrapper (Scrap data on light speed)
  • Dynamic ubscription plans
  • Multiple payment gateways
  • Ping to admin
  • User profile
  • Dark and Light mode
  • Web Chat
  • Much more

Admin Features

  • Informative dashboard
  • Mange users
  • Delete users
  • Auto login in user panel
  • Assign plans to users
  • Add / Delete dynamic plans 
  • Holds on payment gateway
  • Order details
  • Ping system
  • Dynamic pages for frontend
  • Dynamic testimonial
  • Dynamic Faq section
  • Dynamic Highlited features
  • Full Web translation
  • App config
  • Profile manage
  • Dark and light mode
  • Much more
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