WordPress Auto Spinner – Articles Rewriter

Wordpress Auto Spinner

WordPress Auto Spinner is a tool designed for users of the WordPress platform to automatically rewrite and create new content from existing WordPress posts.

This is done by replacing words and phrases with their synonyms, which can help generate fresh and original content without the need for manual rewriting. The primary features of WordPress Auto Spinner include:

  1. Automatic Content Rewriting: The plugin automatically rewrites the content of WordPress posts by replacing words and phrases with their synonyms. This process aims to make the content appear different while retaining the original meaning.
  2. Synonyms Database: The plugin comes with a built-in database of synonyms. This database is used to find alternative words or phrases that can be substituted in the text to create variation.
  3. Spinning Services Integration: The plugin might offer integration with external spinning services that provide more extensive synonym databases and advanced rewriting algorithms. This can potentially enhance the quality of the rewritten content.
  4. Fresh and Original Content: By replacing words and phrases with synonyms, the plugin intends to produce content that appears unique and original, which can be valuable for SEO and online content strategies.
  5. Automation: The automation aspect of the plugin means that once it’s set up and configured, it can work “on autopilot,” transforming content without manual intervention.
  6. Content Quality: While the goal is to generate fresh content, it’s important to note that automated rewriting may not always produce high-quality output. Depending on the source material and the complexity of the text, the quality of the rewritten content can vary.
  7. SEO Considerations: Content generated through spinning and automated processes can raise concerns regarding duplicate content, SEO penalties, and user experience. Users need to be cautious and ensure that the resulting content is still valuable and coherent.
  8. Customization: Some plugins of this type might offer customization options to control the degree of rewriting, the use of synonyms, and the output quality.

It’s worth mentioning that automated content rewriting can sometimes lead to content that lacks coherence, clarity, and context, which can negatively impact the user experience. Additionally, search engines like Google are increasingly sophisticated in identifying spun or low-quality content, which could affect SEO rankings.

Before using such a tool, it’s recommended to thoroughly evaluate its performance, impact on content quality, and compliance with SEO guidelines. Always prioritize creating valuable and relevant content for your audience.

Key Features

  1. Automatically spin WordPress posts

    – WordPress Auto Spinner is a WordPress rewriter plugin that replaces post words and phrases with their synonyms.

    For example, the phrase “smart decision” its synonyms are
    “{smart decision|good move|smart move)” so if the post before spinning contains the phrase “smart decision”, it will be replaced with the phrase “good move” or “smart move” which are the original phrase synonyms.

    That turns copied WordPress content into unique content.
  2. Spin WordPress post title & slug

    WordPress auto spinner has the option to spin the post title and also spin the post slug.
  3. Autoblogs support

    If you are using an auto-posting plugin like  or any other plugin to post to your blog automatically, then WordPress Auto Spinner turns your automatic content to unique on full auto-pilot, just set & forget.
  4. Wordpress Auto Spinner - Articles Rewriter - 14 Bulk Spin Support

    The plugin can rewrite already posted posts. Select which posts to spin and the plugin will queue them for spinning.
  5. Wordpress Auto Spinner - Articles Rewriter - 15 WooCommerce Support

    WordPress Spinner supports spinning  products so you can rewrite  products automatically.
  6. Manual user interface for modifying the rewritten post

    You can review the rewritten article before publishing it and change rewritten synonyms using a seamless interface. Just hover on the rewritten word and its synonyms will appear in a list where you can pick another synonym.
  7. Full control over the synonyms databases

    You can Add/Edit/Remove synonym sets using an easy-to-use Ajax interface.
  8. Custom Thesaurus support

    besides the built-in synonyms, You can build your thesaurus using an easy-to-use Ajax interface.
  9. Reserved words support

    You can save words you don’t like to be spinned.
  10. Excluded categories support

    You can set specific categories to be excluded from being auto-spinned.
  11. Wordpress Auto Spinner - Articles Rewriter - 16 Exclude title words from spinning

    You can spin the post content and exclude words that exist on the post title.

    The plugin is tested to work with network WordPress installations without issues.

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