X-Wallet: An AirDrop ethereum wallet


X-Wallet is an airdrop wallet designed for users who want to airdrop their tokens or send tokens to multiple users in two transactions, with customizable transaction fees.

Built with Expo (on top of React Native) and inspired by domain-driven design principles, X-WALLET offers a robust and user-friendly platform that prioritizes security and scalability. Demo

What you can do with X-Wallet

  • Airdrop Native Tokens: Utilize bulk sender functionality to optimize transaction fees when distributing native tokens.
  • Airdrop ERC20 Tokens: Employ bulk sender functionality to optimize transaction fees when distributing ERC20 tokens.
  • Create a wallet using 12 words Secret Recovery Key (BIP-39 Standard)
  • User can able to Switch networks (Testnet included).
  • Import wallet using Secret Recovery Key.
  • Export wallet seed phrase.
  • Show balance of ETH and ERC20 tokens in native currency.
  • Wallet address with QR code and user can also share public address.
  • Transaction history of all transactions including token transfers and token swap/
  • Login with a password.
  • Receive and send ETH and ERC20 Tokens.
  • Enhanced gas settings UI.
  • Swap ERC20 Tokens.
  • Import custom tokens with the token address.

There are two code sources:

  • Wallet: Developed using Expo (React Native) and built with TypeScript.
  • Bridge: Solidity smart contracts for facilitating airdrops.

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